Friday, December 24, 2010


My very dear friend gave me a gift tonight, The Unemployment Survival Guide. This gives me something to read when I wake up at 3:30a! Instead of jumping on the computer. Probably should get this book as a companion.

Tara gave me the most delicious necklace for Christmas. We visited her beautifully decorated home yesterday for the holidays. Thank you, Tara! It is perfect!

Deanna explores one word that encapsulate the year 2010 from #Reverb10 a place to reflect on your year and manifest what’s next.

Gwen Bell's How to create your personal manifesto.

John Rainsford is looking back in the sign of the times.

What Eight Hour Day learned in 2010.

My word for 2010 would have to be Intuition or Premonition of what was happening or about to happen in my life.

And my word for 2011 is Reinvention. Finding my way back from the brink of losing my last shred of self-esteem and self-worth. Reinvention, relearning, rediscovering. They all come in one package labeled "to you, 2011". Moving ahead, not focusing on the past.


  1. You are becoming someone - evolving into yourself. It's a good thing. Like the water lily.

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ideas, and artwork, as well as the creativity of others with us.
    I hope that 2011 will be a very fulfilling year for you.
    Merry, merry Christmas.

  3. Thank you guys for hanging out with me ;) xoxo


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