Sunday, November 28, 2010


Although, I have not seen the new Harry Potter and that was on my "holiday list of things to do", Mom and I did watch "eat pray love" the other night. Mom was not that impressed, but she never stays still long enough to get the jest of any movie. But one quote stayed with me from that movie and sure enough, it must have stayed with many more because I found it in several places on the internet. It feels appropriate for me at this time in my life, "Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation". I liked the movie and I love that quote.


  1. I totally agree with this quote : if we do not transform ourselves while time passes, then what remains of ourselves is just "ruins". Excellent quote! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Anonymous5:26 PM

    this is an interesting quote. my heart is in ruins right now because i lost my best fried and husband to cancer. It's been a little over a year but I still feel the ruins. The only thing that helps right now is doing art projects. Your blog is one I return to again and again. You find the most amazing things and I visit those links....i think my tastes are similar to yours, judging from what you post.

    I live in Seattle.

  3. Thank you Ross ...

    Anonymous! A huge hole in your heart and in ruins seems appropriate for your losses! I am so sorry. I do find getting lost in projects helps for a short time. Thank you for visiting my blog and the compliment! Fellow Seattlite! If you are ever in Edmonds, we should meet for coffee ;)


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