Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Birthday, Pixel!

Just as cute as the day we brought her home! Just a little more demanding.


  1. Happy birthday to dear little pixel (great name!)

  2. Made me smile! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Kim....give Pixel a bite of turkey!

  3. With Pica as the other, Pixel seemed like the next name. Although I still call her baby.

    Jan, Happy Thanksgiving to you! Will give Pica and Pixel those little treats ;) Gave Pica a bath last night and he nearly froze when he went out for a potty break. Still feeling a little guilty about that. ;0

  4. Happy B'Day Princess Pixel.

  5. Such a beautiful tiny boy.

    Happy Holiday, Kim!

  6. Belated Happy Birthday, little Pixel! Obviously your mom is not the only one who needs to catch up on things happening in the world like important birthdays and such... I think your portraits are absolutely stunning! You have a very wise face for someone so young.


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