Friday, October 01, 2010

It gets better project

I have really tried not to get too involved in the news the last couple of months. I feel like my soul was absorbed in all the bad news for the last, what, 20 years? And I seriously need a break from it. But I can't help but weep and get outraged (outraged is really too weak of a word for what I feel) when I hear and read these stories about kids committing suicide over being bullied. I say prosecute the offending bullies to the the nth-degree. They know the damage they are doing. The schools can't turn a blind eye to these situations. There has to be a solution outside of home schooling.

Tyler Clementi is thought to have committed suicide, days after video of him was secretly webcast on the Internet. Clementi's roommate, Dharun Ravi and another classmate, Molly Wei, have been charged in the case.

Asher Truong bullied to death?

Bravo Dan Savage for "It Gets Better Project."


  1. Ditto ... why does our world continue to be so full of hatred and ignorance?!

  2. it floors me every time I read one of these stories. What century do we live in?


    Register and support anti-bullying.

    It is so disturbing what is going on with bullying. Over the past week five gay teenagers have killed themselves. Those are just the ones reported.

  4. i couldn't believe my ears when i heard about this... it's just so sad and angry!

  5. oops, i meant to say "it's just so sad and it makes me angry"

  6. Yes, it boggles the mind, how we can't get passed this. Thanks for the link, Scott!

    I have been encouraging my friends to submit videos for the "it gets better project".

    Yes, Dawn. It makes me speechless. xoxox to you all.

  7. the story of tyler's suicide really saddened me too...and it made me think of another project i want to start...a personal project...i want to write letters to britton when things in the media grab my attention...letters that tell him how i feel about these issues and what my thoughts about them are...something like a 52 letters (one each day of the week) project or something...this will be the first one i write...

  8. OMG, I love that idea. A historic document, time capsule to learn from! do it!


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