Saturday, October 30, 2010

Interesting week

Not sure where my time is going the last couple of weeks. Still applying for lots of jobs. Viewing many tutorials, especially InDesign on Adobe TV. Learning how to make an ebook. Seems like something I should know how to do.

Had a great interview with a very fun company that didn't go my way. So reading Interns over 40 for more tips on how to interview. I fear I am doing something wrong. Also thinking I should color my hair again. The old fart look isn't working for me ;)

Shake Your Tree Today on Chase Jarvis Blog.

The No. 1 Habit of Highly Creative People

Leo Babauta book, focus, on simplicity in the age of distractions.

Not carving as many pumpkins as in previous years. Not feeling in a very festive mood this week, maybe once I start carving ... my mind will go with the fun.

And finally! I listed some cards on Etsy, artist having fun. It only took me 6 months! Haven't started promoting it yet, since it feels so new to me. So, today, I step away from the computer and clean, make sculptures and focus on something else besides employment, or the lack of. ;0

My other thought this week ... to blog or not to blog. Not sure I can live without my blog. But whether or not, I am definitely going to revamp, look and all.


  1. You'd better NOT stop blogging! Everything you put your hand and mind to is lovely, Kim.....I really enjoy your blog and glimpses in your's mom and sweet Pixel? Keep the faith. Hugs, jan

  2. Oh Jan xoxoxoxoxo, that is so wonderful for you to say! My mom is busy cooking up something delicious for us and the neighbors as we speak. We will have a fire, wine, food and wait for the goblins. ;) Pixel is not liking the rain and we have to literally 'carry' her outside. Sigh, it is going to be a long winter. But she is funnier than ever! Pica is losing his teeth and getting really crabby lately. THANK YOU!!!!


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