Sunday, September 05, 2010

Waking up early

Even the dogs look at me at 4am and think, can't you just sleep in today? You can see it, they are annoyed that their heating blanket is getting up. They roam around trying to find another warm place to sleep. And they are not happy.

Woke up early thinking about quilting after Tara came over to go through my fabric stash for some project she is up to. Found quilts I had started and stacks of fabric that I had in mind for a quilt. THAT was the first thing on my to-do-list in my first month of unemployment. So, move over computer my sewing machine is taking over for awhile. Speaking of, I must step away from the computer and very soon. Spending much too much time sitting here, way too much multi-tasking.  I finished my 4th postcard to add to my Bird Series to go up on Etsy.

So back to my quilt search this morning. Of course, Denyse Schmidt and Lisa Call are a great inspirations.
It might be small, but I love this modern doll quilts from Enjoy this beautiful day.

This is cool, Ed Pegg's Math Games' Square Packing and downloads for Squaring Squares, Rectangles and Triangles.

The Modern Quilt Guild, maybe I should join up.

Lots of inspiration at the long thread and this beautiful quilt made from City Park by Cherry House Quilts.

Patchwork Quilts at Canadian House & Home and The Company Store's Quilts.


  1. Thank you for the mention !

  2. Good luck with your quilt! Sorting through fabrics and dreaming is always the best part until you actually hold the finished product in your hands.

  3. I am still dreaming and got as far as bringing my sewing machine to the dining room table!!!


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