Monday, September 13, 2010

Road trip and beyond

Our friend from Texas was here for a few days and we decided to jump in the car for a "quick trip" heading east to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Just for fun. I forgot about open roads, horizons and bug-guts on the windshield.

We stopped by Snoqualmie Falls, Ginkgo Petrified Forest State Park where we had a breath-taking view of the Columbia River and a horse sculpture that runs atop a big bluff. Then a long stretch of open road to Coeur d'Alene, lots of stopping and eating and trying to figure out what all the crops were growing next to the road. Potatoes, sweet and field corn, alfalfa, sun flowers.

In Coeur d'Alene, found the perfect, affordable old-style, remodeled "Motor Court", Flamingo Motel, with a "motel cat" who loved to come into our room and visit with us. The Motel was in walking distance of the old downtown. More eating. Finally got to visit Cisco, that was an amazing antique store full of expensive stuff I wanted to buy for D. And met artist Steven A. Scroggins at his wild and crazy fine art gallery.

The next day we decided to drive over the Sand Point. I love Sand Point. And if I had taken more than one change of clothes and had had a shower, I would have called a terrific internet friend. But that will have to be on my next visit. When I didn't insist everyone pack lite! We stopped off at lots of roadside Flea Markets where I had an absolute blast visiting and getting to know the sellers. Pouring over rusty, dirty treasures. I found some bottles for Julie's wedding.

I had almost 3 days to empty my brain of job searches and thoughts of resume re-writing. This morning, Ruth to the airport and me back to reality of life. Darn!


  1. Looks lovely. I guess you and I won't be taking the Ginko trip together after all. :)

  2. it is worth seeing it twice, but I want to go back to Sand Point! You need to come along ;)

  3. That was fun getting mentioned in your blog (friend in Sandpoint)! Maybe you can stop by next time? We are trying to set up some guest houses on our property maybe they will be done by next summer. I am also wanting to rent a giant house on the lake (Pend Oreille) for a month next summer and have it be an open house for my friends. So I will keep you posted on that : )


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