Sunday, August 29, 2010


My wonderful neighbor gave me this miniature rose called "Victory" when I published my book. She loved my book and gave me a lot of feedback, suggested I added descriptions of the flowers (which I did). I planted it and it has 5 buds about to bloom now! Woo hoo, since not much is going on in my yard right now. The hydrangeas are starting to change. Clematis is growing and I need to train it back up the arbor. Japanese Anemones, rained has sent them right to the ground.

I have said good bye to my sofa for now. Finally cleaned up my room, uncovered the bottom on my closet, hung up and ironed clothes for this week, got my hair trimmed so I won't look like a street person for my interview tomorrow, washed the dogs, creating my Etsy banner, now I just need to add something to the store. ;0 Tara is giving me advice about Etsy. My neighbor/best internet friend and I are starting an Edmonds Local blog detailing artist events happening in here in our little village. I am exhausted and looking forward to Vampires and Mystery tonight on TV (before I cancel my cable). ;)

Victory Rose

My new Rue

my new rue

my new rue

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