Monday, July 19, 2010

Visting old friends

Bees using lavender as springboards over to another. Tiny unknown flying objects sparkle in the sun while the dogs follow me around the yard, digging where I dig. Me, trying to tame the grapes from taking over hydrangeas. And prune one of the Snowball Viburnums (badly planted spot) into submission of being a smaller version. A robin so robust, I thought it was a crow ... just waiting for some juicy worm to show itself in dewy grass.

I am on vacation. Trying not to let my brain explode with my endless "to-do" list. Instead, enjoying feeling freedom to explore the yard, the studio, catch up on correspondence needing a stamp. Chores, like installing a new area rug in the living room, some dusting, cleaning. But not too much the first day. Also thinking of a road trip to San Francisco via Shasta Lake (for a day of fishing). Right now, it is all spinning around in my head. Tomorrow, we might be packing the car.


  1. Enjoy your vacation! The San Francisco Comtemporary Jewish Museum is having a show of Maira Kalman's work. I hear it's terrific.

  2. Relax and enjoy, whatever you decide to do!

  3. Oh my goodness, two whole weeks off. Sounds like heaven. Revel in it!


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