Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Voewood revisited

I got a little present in my email this morning. Remember that incredible house in the U.K. I blogged about called Voewood? Amanda visited Voewood in person! and sent me detailed photos the butterfly curtains that had caught my eye. I have chills. I had some tears too. I want to run to the sewing room and try, just try to piece together something that would make me feel so giddy, glad, delighted. Oh, Thank YOU! Amanda for making me so happy this morning!

Click on image to get larger view!

The detail of the butterflies and moths looks incredible. Hand-stitched veins, looks like little fur is used. I really love the white ones with the little gray detail.

From Amanda Lewis


  1. so beautiful...i would love some of those...

  2. Incredible! Gah! Stealing the idea for 1/2L!

  3. Shelley ... I am seeing paper collage butterflies in your future ;)


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