Sunday, June 27, 2010

I am done for the weekend

I had a busy weekend, mostly at the computer and a busier week ahead so I am calling it a day. To go chow down on Mom's Pork Roast Escabeche with baked yams and wild asparagus. Plus we have a new True Blood and Miss Marple mystery! I almost designed my friend a logo for his newly acquired shop and worked on a website design. Took a few photos. Visited with friends. Played with the dogs. I am tired. Now it is time for wine and favorite shows. Good night and have a great week ahead.

But before I go, must pass on what I found in my multi-tasking 30 minutes toilet/reading. The Bower Bird (my favorite) made a big splash in this months National Geographic, Build It {and they will come}. Don't you get mad when you can't find your own post about such an important subject as "Bower Birds"? Arrgghh. Anyway, do yourself a favor and go look at the lavish lure for the female. This world is be pretty amazing!

Tim Laman


  1. I thought that was the work of Andy Goldsworthy, but it turns out to be the work of a make bowerbird. Absolutely, incredibly beautiful!

  2. I believe I saw this or something similar on TV; it was narrated by Oprah. So beautiful!


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