Wednesday, April 07, 2010

New gray do

It was a painful few months to let my old color grow off. I wasn't sure I wanted to cut my hair so short to get rid of the frizzy colored ends. Yesterday, I had a weak moment, ran into Great Clips and ask to have all the colored ends CUT OFF. So here I am, almost to my gray. ;) I guess I do look older, but really, I am soooo tired of coloring my hair. And my son doesn't care anymore. Before, he would have been a little embarrassed to have a gray-haired mom dropping him off at elementary school. Now ... he loves my color. Woo Hoo. Free at last.


  1. Absolutely fabulous!!! Such a pretty shade, and it really suits you well. I lost patience growing mine out too, so I totally hear you.

  2. In all my life I have never ever coloured my hair. I have been really happy with that decision. (I have no idea what colour hair my sister in Texas has under her dye...she has coloured since jr. high! It's all good!)

    YOU look fabulous, seriously. Your look is the one I keep hoping for, mine is very slow to turn, but someday!

    Seriously, you're working the hair, and that red lipstick!

  3. I love your hair! I think it looks brilliant!

  4. You look beautiful. Welcome to the world of the "prematurely gray"! That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it despite the fact that I am at least 25 years into that excuse.

  5. wonderful & beautiful: gray pride!!!

  6. Oh, Kim, you look beautiful! I love it!

  7. You look fab!

  8. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I am re-entering the world of "hair product" ;)

  9. I think it looks amazing on you... I love it...I do...

  10. I can't wait to get to that look fabulous, baby!

  11. KS Grandma11:55 AM

    Looking good! Luvyall

  12. I don't think it makes you look older at all! You look great.

  13. I love my gray hair!

  14. fantastic!!
    You look so great.
    Gives me hope that I can do the same. I guess I'll wait until the wedding is over. Don't want to be multicolored for the photos.

  15. You look Fantastic, Kim!!

  16. Kim, I did the same thing this year and I'm loving it too. The colouring and roots thing just wasn't working for me anymore. You look so great!

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