Saturday, April 03, 2010

Natural beauty

I have a bowl of small rocks in my bathroom meant to be stacked by anyone who visits. I plant my little pot of grass in the winter so I can trim it and have that glorious fragrance. It makes up for the lack of time I spend outside, investigating nature, I guess. I do take minutes during my day to walk outside and watch a bird gather, a tree bend in the wind, pick up a gnarled branch or watch the rain drops make circles in puddles. I should get out more. Walk more beaches. Have you ever just Googled a place you really want to visit? And look at the beauty of it from afar? Look around and dream for a couple of minutes about driving through that place in the world.

I would love to stack really big rocks like the Professional Rock Stacking & Balancing does.

Bill Dan is The Rocker : World Wide Phenomenon and this is his blog.

This looks like a fun activity to do with kids!

Land art and Rock towers and stacks.

Natural art by Richard Shilling and his wonderful books, Wheel of Life and Land Art on blurb and a feast for the eyes on his Flickr photostream and his blog.

JRT Pickle has some fantastics natural things going on. Balancing act. Can't really pick just one favorite image!


  1. A couple summers ago my mom showed me a man's rock stacking photos on flickr and suggested I introduce the kids to it when we were out letterboxing. Of course I did and now anytime we come across a little collection of rocks one of us starts stacking :).

    I hope you guys are starting to feel better!


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