Saturday, March 06, 2010

Postcards from long ago

I know most people blog during the week and take the weekend off. I usually don't have the time or energy during the week. But I try to blog for weeks ahead on Saturday. Funny, huh? Didn't have much time last weekend or this week. So posting week for me. But I finally finished these postcards that I started so many years ago. Having a few printed (Vista print is having lots of good deals this week) to give away at Artfest for my "trade". I simply don't have time to do real trades.

Also working on Wordpress skins for Rick. I want remember I can have fun doing stuff I love to do. And so I don't forget some of my basic skills ;)

Postcard No. 1

Postcard No. 2

Postcard No. 3

make a wish


  1. Your illustrated cards are lovely! But I'm sure you won't be surprised that I'm swooning over 'Make a Wish'. How fun is that?!

  2. Hey Erin. I will send you some when they come in ... well, I keep ordering one each time vista print has a sale, which seems like once a week ;) I can't wait to see them all printed! it is exciting ;)

  3. I hope I get some too.

    Ask me about Vista print tho.


  4. These are just beautiful, Kim!

  5. I want one of each ... beautiful!

  6. Kim, the bird cards are just fantastic. Those should be for sale! I can see cards, journals. Really, lady, start an empire already with all of your beautiful work. Your designs and photos always make me so happy.

  7. Gorgeous Kim!

    LOve them...

  8. These are soooo lovely! They should be sold somewhere!


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