Monday, March 29, 2010

Forget you --- never

Back to work. Lots of ideas rushing around in my head. So rainy today made me want to nap! The backyard is a lake and our little Pixel hates to get her feet wet. I have had one Columbine in one spot in the garden forever and when we put in the walkway ... the seeds from that one Columbine took root in the little rocks around the slate. I mean I have a Columbine forest out there. D hates it because it looks messy and out of control. I love because it is organic and fun. I promised him after they all bloom, I will pull most of them out of the walkway. All the transplanted and new peonies are very happy. Which makes me extremely happy. Clematis is about the burst open ... wafting vanilla scent all over the yard. It is all making me very happy.

forget you never!

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