Sunday, March 28, 2010

The end of the day

There is something eerie and beautiful about the white-washed barracks at Fort Worden at dusk. The buildings take on a blue hue and interior lights glow yellow through gridded windows. Huge trees silhouetting and cutting into the gray sky. You know the word is ... the place is haunted ;) And I am believe it.

I am back from ArtFest 2010. Full of ideas. Exhausted. Thrilled. Do I say, rejuvenated? I need to unpack and get ready for the real world tomorrow. When I get my act together, I want to show you the ONE piece I finished. Talk about all the wonderful new/old friends I met.

Very unlike me, I didn't take out my camera until the last hours of the event. I only have a few images to share this year. What was I thinking? Okay, I wasn't thinking.

Fort Worden at dusk

Fort Worden at dusk

Fort Worden at dusk

Fort Worden at dusk

1 comment:

  1. gorgeous... knowing Susan's class you didn't take out your camera because you didn't have were too busy working...


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