Monday, March 22, 2010

Clearing the mind

Penelope Dullaghan explains the importance of a silent drive, taking in the landscape and clearing out your mind in her entry, 2 hours of clarity, so poetically!

I haven't had a road trip in such a long time. I don't mean driving to Port Townsend. Or to La Conner. I mean, getting into a car and knowing you have 3 or 4 hours of driving ahead of you. You know that happens in Texas a lot, long drives to get from A to B and back.

Where you are antsy the first hour or two, singing to the radio, fidgeting with stuff on your dashboard. Then you settle into the drive. Usually I turn off the radio and just let the silence and solitude pour into my head. Try not to focus on anything in particular, but just be. After an hour of that ... ideas and thoughts pour into my brain like the faucet had just been turned on. Of course, I am just remembering this happening ... many years ago.

If I veered of my old truck off my route back and forth to work it would probably breakdown in shock. But I daydream of this often, just keep driving, somewhere, someplace ... drive until I feel like stopping in an unknown town. And then drive home. I must plan that unplanned trip soon.

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