Saturday, January 16, 2010


I know I mention Sarcococca again and again. Under a gray sky, I will walk in the backyard and catch a whiff of the most delicious sweetness and remember. Honestly, if you don't have a Sarcococca, you need one!

Sweetbox (Sarcococca)

It has been a tough week with Haiti and all the horrible scenes coming out of that earthquake zone. It feels good to be home where I feel safe and loved. Not belittled, depressed.

It has stopped raining this morning. The yard is like a lake but I wanted, needed to go explore for a minute. Only to find these sweet little "0"'s left over from seedpods through my lens. Isn't that adorable? Everything in true decay from all the rain. With evidence of buds just peeking out on some branches of Lilacs and Daphne. It looks like growth is still at the base of the peonies I transplanted, so really keeping my fingers crossed that move will be a success.

Got lots of house keeping, unpacking, cleaning to catch up with. Have a great holiday weekend!

little ones left behind


1 comment:

  1. These are wonderful. I keep forgetting we get Monday off; thanks for the reminder. :)

    Have a good weekend and don't think about work! xoxoxo


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