Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I tried some glass etching this weekend. The darker bottles weren't so successful.

Also began cleaning out the ever messy (beyond messy) sewing room. Gave away (finally) all my favorite linen pants that I haven't been able to fit into for 4 years. *sigh* It was time. The house has become nothing but storage bins and I am really tired of it.


  1. I hope you save me one,,, a belated b-day gift,,,hint,,,hint,,,! They look wonderful!

  2. Wow. The bottle with the pods is exquisite.

  3. I've been loving your blog lately... Molly from Haiti, the Book video and yes, your etched glass today, simply lovely. Thank you for sharing. Good for you that you are clearing the clutter. I'm a huge fan of keeping things tidy!

  4. I want one too! :)


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