Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Good morning!

Not quite believing Christmas came and went. I didn't really blog about anything fun this year. I didn't have time to read blogs, my magazine full of Christmas images sit untouched. I opted for bags instead of  creative wrapping. Christmas is the time I have my most fun, but not the last two years, apparently. Work seems to take over my life somehow. I am still trying to get my Christmas goodies out the door. What is that saying, "Christmas in July" ... might be appropriate for me this year ... make that next year.

I have been up since 3am ... pinched nerve in my  back. Can't sleep, can't sit. It's really unpleasant. Have my second acupuncture appointment today.

Mom's cars in the shop. Microwave went out last week and replaced it. Of course, we couldn't use the existing trim kit. They are making microwaves 1 inch smaller ... so if you have one built into the wall and need a trim kit ... that will be another $100, thank you very much. ;)

I have also been out of commission computer-wise the last week. Transitioning over to the a new one. Moving files around, loading programs. But mainly D has been trying to move all iTunes stuff to an external drive and that has taken the longest. Hired someone to come help out with some of that last night. It is going to be nice to have a newer, faster computer. I am really excited.

So things here feel a little disjointed. Needing repair. I need fixing. ;) Off to work now.


  1. (((big hugs))) to you my friend...

  2. Sorry to hear about your back... ouch!

    I am hoping + praying that things ease off for you in the coming year. For total selfish reasons. I love your work and I miss it.

    A Fan :)

  3. Thank you Erin!
    I feel much better tonight. A big cry on the phone with my best friend (my personal shrink, who is a shrink) and a trip to the acupuncturist ... feeling much better tonight.

    xoxo Michelle ...
    miss you!


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