Saturday, November 21, 2009

Repeat after me

I do NOT want a puppy, I do not want a puppy, I do not want a puppy.


  1. I want Barry's puppy, I want Barry's puppy, I want Barry's puppy...

  2. What strange little creatures! They seem to have a lot of trouble moving! Very, very cute though!

  3. Well, this is strange... I was just today in my mind trying to justify us rescuing a dog. We sure could use the love around here and have so much love to give as well. I can't wrap my brain around the idea of him being home alone all day though. Just not sure if we'd be doing the right thing!

  4. I've seen this before......adorable!

  5. KS Grandma1:55 PM

    I agree with katenelson. Barry's puppy is on the A-list. Luvyall

  6. well i didn't want a puppy until i watched these clips...


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