Sunday, September 20, 2009


My blogging effort is waning. Not enough time or energy the last week. So much going on at work that I come home exhausted and prepare for bed. ;0

Yesterday, with great expectations of going to the beach in search of driftwood ... woke up at 3a to a down pour which lasted all morning. It just seemed like the perfect day to stay horizontal, in front of movies and reading a big bunch of "passed-on" magazines. Which I did. All day. Then a little bejeweled and This American Life podcast, talking to my friend about her new logo. Taking the dogs in and out to potty ... the baby doesn't want to go outside when it is raining ... I forecast a painful winter for all of us, especially my carpet.

So a few places I discovered yesterday.

Online Recipe Community - Share Recipes - Mixing Bowl

Bodega Shoppe

Kobo Seattle

I might redo Mom's bracelet into something like this

What's new at Mothology

Throw out fifty things and clothing swaps

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there. You are an inspiration to me. I appreciate your blog. I really do.


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