Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Winding Down

This time between summer blossoms, changing leaves and pumpkin carving always seems a little bleak for me. The realization that no new poppy bloom will make me swoon and run for my camera. The anticipation of peonies and sweet peas. Seeking a big whiff of honeysuckle on a warm summer night. Magical nights with the yard lite up with tea candles on the perimeter of the yard, sparkling and conjuring up ideas of fairies living it up in the overgrown grapes. (Grapes, that need much looking after right now ... harvest and grapes to be cooked up for juice.) I didn't get enough of it this summer but then I say that about this time every year. I want the days to slow down.

well used

winding down

The hydrangeas have fallen to the ground with the recent heavy rains.

drooping from heavy rains

I have a new hydrangea to plant, peonies to move very soon.


So there is still much to be done. But not the excitement of a new flower blooming. Now is the time to watch the miracle of them sowing their seeds. Loving them now in a different, more motherly way of cleaning and preparing for winter bed.


  1. Personally, I always thing of fall as the time to prepare for battle with winter. Of course I spent a number of years in the Midwest and there winter was a bit more difficult.

  2. oh but you have all the gorgeous leaves to take pics of...


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