Tuesday, September 01, 2009

IF - Magnified Stupidity

Magnify for Illustration Friday. Ok, This might be a stretch, but sometimes I think we have become a nation of idiots. Reality TV, airport security, text-messaging while driving, to name a few. Magnified Stupidity, and I am sticking by it. ;)

IF - Magnified Stupidity


  1. This is sooooo creative! Well done! ♥♥♥

  2. OK.. you might be right as to how true to the theme “magnify” it is
    but I can help but been seduced by it!
    I like it!
    Illustrator, Corel or Painter?
    I am a Corel X3 user myself…

  3. coudln´t agree more. You would think it was still allowed to use the common sense we are born with, apparently that doesn´t apply at airports...

  4. thank you all. etc, i use illustrator what seems like a lifetime. When I tell people the first version i learned on they look at me like I am a dinosaur ;)

  5. excellent take on the topic. and a great style you have.

  6. I just discovered you and I gotta tell you, I am so impressed. Love your style, and your thinking, lady...I agree with you about this. And, I bet you started on Illustrator 88, right?! : ) Wonderful work!

  7. Thank you so much Shirley! Yes, I did! Probably still have it loaded on some old computer ')


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