Thursday, September 10, 2009

Honest Scrap Award

Thank you Costanza for honoring me with the Honest Scrap award. I am sorry it took me so long to put this response together! But here we go.

You are meant to tell 10 honest things about yourself and nominate 7 fellow bloggers.

1. I have been coloring my hair for 20+ years and have decided to go gray (or whatever color lies underneath). I am rather excited about the new look.
2. I have a hard time deleting and organizing emails, and with 5 email accounts ... you do the math
3. I drink at least one coke per day
4. I have a mantra I say every day driving to work, my car time is my alone, quiet time.
5. I am feeling my age and sometimes I see it in other peoples' eyes
6. I try and note one beautiful thing in nature per day. The other day it was the morning light leaving a light blue reflection on dark lake water. Or hearing a new bird song and being delighted. Picking up a seedpod and examining it. Slow down and take in the beauty for a couple of minutes each day.
7. I feel less interesting, and less interested lately
8. I have way too many drafts waiting to be published in blogger. I stack up all kinds of things to blog about then just don't have the time like I once had to put into this blog.
9. I consider deleting this blog but think it is the only thing that keeps me grounded, sane and reminds me of my many gifts
10. My life is not as fun as it once was. I need to remember that I have a great sense of humor. As my friend told me the other day ... the younger, newer people in our lives don't realize how funny we are (or use to be) because in our seriousness now and don't let our humor surface.

The 7 bloggers I send this along to:  Rita, Scott, Faith, Tara, a new blogger friend, Bill, Gary, maybe Kathy will get back on her blog ;) I will pop over and tell you all later today.


  1. I can so relate to some of these things. Just know ... you're not alone my friend and someone thinks you are funny and interesting!

  2. PULEEZE don't take down your blog! I love it, and you too! I see your playfulness, and I find you funny and interesting! Hang in make my day, and I'll bet the day of plenty of others, too!

  3. kim... What's happening?
    i love your blog and i hope you'll can go on.

  4. Kim- I always enjoy your posts. Sometimes I worry about you, your drive and the stress. Wish I had some words of wisdom to share.

  5. So you all have made my day, so thoughtful and sweet stuff coming my way from YOU. Thank you! I am fine! had my brainstorming/friend meeting and feel all filled up. One thing that my friend said that morning, was "she was living in the question" and just thought that was so perfect for this time we are in. Cheers!

  6. #7 is definitely me...and i see #10 in your every time i'm around you...i think you rock!


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