Sunday, September 27, 2009

Going, going ...

These two images were in my head this morning when I woke up. I dream in illustrations about what is on my mind. Scary, huh?

No, I haven't been fired. But after years of coloring my hair, I have decided to go natural. I was going gray in my 30's. Mainly colored because I didn't want my son to be embarrassed by having a "grandmother" looking mother while he was in school. He is a senior now and really doesn't care anymore. But I keep hearing stories of the highly qualified "gray" unemployed being completely ignored during job interviews. That scares me. For them. For me. I am only half-way grown out, and keep telling myself I can color it again, if need be. But part of me, the rebellious me, says, why should I have to "brown" to be a valuable employee?

I am starting the new semester, a "whole" semester studying CSS (cascading style sheets). I have had some great weekend classes but really need more than a weekend. Away from work and home to focus and learn. I am very excited. So wish me luck.


  1. Hoo--hooo!!! What woman, of a certain age, could not relate? Love this!


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