Monday, August 31, 2009

I Wanna Be Artzy

I signed up at Quilting Arts and downloaded "Free-motion Machine Quilting: 67 Machine Stitching Tips and Motifs". Now if is just had this. Got all excited about sewing and making something reading Artgirlz blog this morning. BTW, they are having a sale.

Cloth Paper Scissors® 2011 Calendar Contest, readers challenge, “Make It Pretty!”

Everyday Artist Studio with Jenn Mason

I Love to Create: Top 10 Must Recycle Items for Crafters!


  1. Well, if you have an extra $5,000 laying around, you too can be the proud owner of an Aurora 440 QE! :) Wouldn't it be nice!

  2. Come on.....break down and buy a Bernina, Kim!
    As talented as you are, I would love to see what you could create with one!

  3. ho ricevuto un premio, giorni fa e stamattina mi sono dedicata alla scelta dei 10 blog da premiare a mia volta. non ho mai partecipato alle cosiddette catene di Sant'Antonio, ma mi piace l'idea di poter suggerire ai miei lettori degli indirizzi che, a mio parere, meritano di essere visitati. spero non ti dispiaccia, se ho segnalato il tuo blog fra quelli che preferisco.
    alla prossima, costanza.

  4. I'm with Jan. I'll bet you would be fabulously talented at yet another thing!!!
    Hey! I'm getting my own studio space(the former dining room in my late FILs house), Now I'll have no excuse. Should be done by October. It needs re-painting and some other work.
    James engagement party this coming Sat. Pray for sunshine and dry weather???
    Your Mom looks so pretty. Lemon pickles???

  5. yeah Gerrie, Jan! I need one, second mortgage perhaps? ')

    Costanza ... thank you! For the acknowledgment. Very nice!

  6. dee, I hope you are posting progress! Can't wait to see.


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