Saturday, July 11, 2009

Thinking Outside The Box (Pot)

I like the way David Fung thinks visually! New milk carton concept ... yeah! It's fabulous! It's fun. It's new. It makes me have a big grin.

Student project Artea

Honey Moon "is a promotional wine bottle that would be sent out for the first day of summer" by Lauren Golembiewski. The description makes me weepy and want to get one in the mail!

Re-thinking the matchbox, new version by Fitzsu.

Most of these incredible designs found on The dieline blog, a great place for packaging. Warning: you can spend hours on this blog. ;)

CowPots™, manure-fiber based seed starter pots, are made by American farmers for plant lovers everywhere. These earth-friendly “pots you plant” are made with biodegradable, 100% renewable composted cow manure. As seen on Martha Stewart.

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