Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Some Of My Sta-cation

I thought my stacation was over yesterday and when I got to work ... was reminded I had taken off a couple of more days. Dementia setting in. Today is mom's birthday! And that is why I had taken off a couple of more days. We are going to run around, maybe take in a movie and dinner.

"Downstairs is so far away from me". Pixel gets distraught when anyone goes to the basement without her. She hasn't realized that she can come with us by going down the stairs.

left behind

Ruth gave me these sweet little *heart* cards and they found their way to my wall of inspiration.

hearts from a friend

Started a couple of new pieces and added on the an old one.

starting someting new


Added shell exterior to my buddha

buddha of the sea


  1. yea, you are making art! I saw these over at flickr! Very cool!

  2. Have fun with your mom! I'd love to have that oppotunity again. I adore your little dog! Precious!

  3. Happy Birthday to your Mom. Have fun! Love the Buddha.

  4. I LOVE the bird-in-cup piece! And the shell exterior on the buddha piece is a wonderful addition.

  5. Wow!! You are doing something for yourself. Yea!

  6. Oh man, Pixel is adorable! I love your blog!

  7. thank you thank you guys! xoxoxo


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