Saturday, July 25, 2009

Ring Whimsy

Folded rings by Suzanne Esser Sieraden.

Liaung-Chung Yen conceptual jewelry ... love!

I know I have blogged about Sarah Hood's one-of-a-kind set of three rings (seen below) Chinese lantern pod ring before. But some things are worth repeating. Decomposing chinese lantern pod, and one constructed and enameled representation of a pod. this piece comes in a handcrafted shadow box for display. And her other organic jewelry, I would love to have any of them!

Jan Pycke's Whisk Ring.

David Goodwin's Leaf and Foliage ring, below.

Some of these links via The Carrotbox


  1. You always find the coolest rings

  2. Fabulous rings!!! I hope to have these rings!!! LOL


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