Monday, July 27, 2009

Readers’ Dog Photos

Our baby made the (Readers' Dog Photos submission) and coordination with the NYT's "The Puppy Diaries".

me and baby see the sun rise

Jan ....
funny you should say that ... we were just looking online and found lots of pups on LIL' WAIF PUPPY RESCUE, this one and lots more (links in comments)


  1. Way to go, Pixel! Do they have any pups for sale where your mommy got you? I'm ready for another pup!

  2. Well Jan ... funny you should mention that. M, Bri and I were just looking at a couple of adorable pups needing a home ;)

    putting pics on post!

  3. Morning, Kim! What a nice way to wake up, seeing all those sweet pups!
    First of all, your "subject matter" (Pixel) is the "fairest of them all!" The lighting in your photo is incredible, and the colors (the blanket she has her little paw on) makes me think of a painting by one of the old masters! I will be checking on Petfinder in my area to see if I can find a "Pixel" for me in the Houston area! Have a great day, give Pixel a kiss of the head from an ole Texas gal!

  4. from another ole texas gal ... you are welcome, have a great day yourself (and try to stay cool) I hate hearing about triple digits and drought down there ;(


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