Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Holiday In Scotland

If I ever went on a true vacation, it would be back to Scotland. And these holiday cottages look perfect ... oh I wish! St. Andrews, Highland Perthshire, The Coach House in the heart of Ayr, The Ruin (cottage) in Edinburgh region or maybe this villa in Spain. Okay, enough dreaming ... back to work.


  1. Grandma PMC10:55 AM

    When you go take D with you. His grandfather was born there. To the best of my knowledg4e,information and belief no Greig of that family has ever returned. Time someone did. Luvyall

  2. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I love that area of Spain. One day in the not so distant future I will move there.

  3. Hey Grandma, I say we all go ;) as soon as I win the lottery

    vallalar -- I would love to live in spain, vacation in scotland. What a life ;)


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