Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Rock

everyone needs a rock

My newest heart rock find.

My husband's rock.


  1. I love finding interesting rocks like the one you found. Where did you happen upon it? What were you doing or thinking when it presented itself to you?

  2. I found this one in Texas while I was there for my aunt funeral. I was very pleased to find it. I don't like crowds so while at gatherings I will occasionally go outside to get some air ... and look for rocks.

    Until late last year I had never found a heart rock! Then one day I told myself I would find one that day, and I found 3! And now I find them all the time.

    I really wanted to find one in Texas in honor of my wonderful aunt.


  3. oooohhhh...the one you found is awesome... So the one that's David's...did he make that??? Or did you buy it for him somewhere? I like it...

  4. this is so undescribable.. :)

  5. elena fiore11:16 AM

    Grazie per la tua visita! Sassi bellissimi!
    Ciao, elena fiore°*°


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