Saturday, February 07, 2009

Moving Day

Yesterday my department moved to Newsvine in the Seattle PI building for 2 months. "Team-building" experiment. It was nice to be downtown again. I will be going between Redmond and Seattle to make meetings.

I took the back road home. Wanted to buy more test tubes at Archie McPhees and ended stopping by Mandrake's antique store (found tons of stuff Robin would love) and of course had to visit my favorite place in Ballard, Curtis Steiner's souvenir. Here is a lovely interview with him that explains why I fall in love every time I step into the store. It is tiny details, pairing of exquisite objects that make me shiver in delight! He had a piece of art by Patty Grazini there yesterday to die for! Of course, I can't find her work on the internet ;( I wish I could, you would love to see it! I found Patti Grazini mentioned here at Katie Kay's but nothing else on the internet! While reading Katie Kay's blog, noticed she visited Ruby Montana's The Coral Sands ... I would love to go there some day. I miss Ruby Montana's store in Seattle.

Okay, now I am just mentally wandering around the internet. M-u-s-t go get something done today!

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