Sunday, January 04, 2009

Shelley Noble, Genius At Work

Christmas passed me by at such lightning speed ... without me playing with or talking about some of the very fun stuff I received in the mail. This very, very cool "limited edition" Christmas card arrived at my house from Shelley Noble! Not sure how you did that! It works and is wonderful. Thank you. I love it. Now I have TWO limited edition goodness to hang on my trees every year. Remember the wonderful creation from last year? Yeah, and my Christmas cards are still sitting on the desk, unstamped ;) Next year ... I will be more organized. (Am I getting repetitive?)




  1. I just found this post, Kim! Thanks so much. I hope you'll like this year's too! Happy New Year!

  2. oh, I have been wanting one of those laser cutters. it is easy to use?
    woo hoo! for you!


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