Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pixel Photo Session

My friend, Chris came to meet "the baby" and brought her camera.

Pixel first photo shoot

Pixel first photo shoot

Pixel first photo shoot

Pixel first photo shoot


  1. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Chris's pix are worthy of her work - but does Pixel know for sure what the green bowl is used for - and When doe Pixel become Pixy?

  2. die. die. die.
    too cute.

  3. That pup is so cute it made me giggle.

  4. Such a sweetie! She will bring you a lifetime of love and joy. I love the name too. BTW I'm Scott's sister in case you wonder who this is!!

  5. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Yes, I am finally on your blog....the dog is precious, but looks to me like the proverbial "ankle-biter." My slighly larger mutt just drug a dead cat in the house....dried up and a little love offerings......Faith

  6. finger-biter, more like it. she thinks we are all her "chew toy" ...

    Did your mutt kill the sweet little kitty cat ? ;( killer!

    I have rats in the backyard bigger than this little puppy but she is pretty tenacious! xoxoxo

    Thanks Scott and Trailboss, MelodyS

  7. oh my goodness. while i was gone last week you went and got yourself another child.
    she is so CUTE!!
    i keep saying to jon, "LOOOOOK AT HER!!!!"


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