Friday, January 02, 2009

JPG Magazine Says Goodbye

JPG Magazine says goodbye ... this is a bummer! There are some amazing images there so before they vanish from one place, you should go have a final look.

"Today is a particularly sad day for all of us at JPG and 8020 Media. We've spent the last few months trying to make the business behind JPG sustain itself, and we've reached the end of the line. We all deeply believe in everything JPG represents, but we just weren't able to raise the money needed to keep JPG alive in these extraordinary economic times. We sought out buyers, spoke with numerous potential investors, and pitched several last-ditch creative efforts, all without success. As a result, will shut down on Monday, January 5, 2009. The one thing we've been the most proud of: your amazing talent. We feel honored and humbled to have been able to share with such a dynamic, warm, and wonderful community of nearly 200,000 photographers. The photography on the website and in the magazine was adored by many, leaving no doubt that this community created work of the highest caliber. The kindness, generosity, and support shared among members made it a community in the truest sense of the word, and one that we have loved being a part of for these past two years. We wish we could have found a way to leave the site running for the benefit of the amazing folks who have made JPG what it is, and we have spent sleepless nights trying to figure something out, all to no avail."
Laura Brunow Miner
Editor in Chief

Fractals in Nature: Self Similarity and Karmab by Cory Verellen.

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