Sunday, December 07, 2008

Party On

I had to privilege of going to a Christmas party last night full of many wonderful artist, most I know of through ArtFest. Tara drove me ;). It is hard for me to leave my house on the weekend ... so Tara had her work cut out for her.

Had a good visit with Dawn, saw Lisa and saw her beautiful PMC work (she is teaching a class at Art and Soul Retreat, 2009), Jennifer (posypusher to those flickr folks), Gwen, who I hope to see soon in a more relaxing atmosphere ;) and many more talented folks.

Ran into the most talented Lisa JonesMoore, more of her wonderful work here.

I met Kate from Oregon. In the cold night air we visited under a patio heater about kids, school and art. As serendipity would have it, we unknowingly picked each others gift exchange ... which I loved. She had made a moving papier-mâché poinsettia Christmas angel. It is totally adorable. I would love to make more papier-mâché stuff, I have books and books about it. Maybe Kate could teach a class at ArtFest? Art and Soul? Anyway, thank you Kate, for the wonderful visit and gift.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa is very talented! I love all of the flowers posted on her flickr!


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