Saturday, December 20, 2008

Obama Star!

I had plans to do this as my Christmas card, thrill some friends and disgust other friends and family members. I wanted Obama-star to have a little spring behind his head so he would move slightly. But for the life of me I couldn't get the donkey-elf to look like a donkey. Everyone in the house was critiquing it and I have decided to move on and give up on this idea ... since I don't have any days left. Did I mention that next year I am going to be much more organized. (Am I starting to sound like a broken record?)


  1. They're something very kangaroo about those elves' heads ... :)
    Hope you're warm and safely indoors — my daughter just called from Seattle to say she might not make it home for Christmas if the snowstorms keep up.
    Gulp ...

  2. That's hilarious, Kim. I love it.

    I also love the banner for your blog. Is it new, or I have I just not noticed it before?

  3. yeah, one day in your head...that's what I want for Christmas!

  4. Oh i want one of those...


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