Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Self-Portrait Challenge 11.04

Self-portrait challenge this month is about "upside down" but today I am thinking more in terms of everything feeling "right-side-up"!

Self-Portrait Challenge


  1. woo hooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Woo-Hoo!!!!

    I'm celebrating for two reasons today:
    1. Obama won!
    2. I'm flying to Seattle in the morning!!!

    I've been meaning to call you all week but I haven't found the time. And I new you were super busy with it being election week.

    I should get in around 5:15 tomorrow evening. If I don't have a chance to call you tonight I'll call you when I arrive.

    Trey and I might have to have dinner with a couple of his clients Thursday night (yuck!). My plan Friday is to take it easy and hang out with Trey. We were wondering if maybe we could all get together Friday night for dinner (me, Trey, you, David, Liz, and Jon).

    Trey will be leaving early, early Saturday morning so I'll have to get him to the airport. YIKES! I'm all your's and Liz's on Saturday and Sunday. We need to make some plans!

    I was wondering if I could stay at your place Saturday and Sunday night. I don't want to stay at a hotel by myself and I think Liz said something about going to Portland. I'll be just fine on a couch...and I'll bring my own pillow.

    I'll have a rental car (not that I'll be driving it) so I won't need a ride to the airport Monday morning but I'll definitely need directions on how to get to the airport.

    Anyway I'll try to call you tonight...and you can e-mail me at michelle.ensminger@ttuhsc.edu. I'll be here most of the day. I'm taking off some this afternoon because Britton is sick and at home with my grandmother. He has strep and was home yesterday and today. I'm tryng to get him well before I leave.

    I can't wait to see you!!! I could barely work last week or this week because I've been way too excited about my trip.

  3. ps--what's the weather been like??

  4. looks like rain and mid-50's all weekend

    I just sent you an email
    will call you tonight

    can't wait

    yes, you are staying with me, you silly thing



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