Friday, November 28, 2008

Reflecting - Past And Future

My feet are ice cold. Have been sitting barefoot at this computer a little too long. Distracted by gold leaves twirling and twisting and floating by the window. Mesmerizing, I wish I could capture it on film or do a little animation of that air-whimsy. The crows are busy finding old nuts I hid around the backyard. Landing hard on the roof to rest and have a discussion with each other. They are silly, wonderful creatures. I just wish they would poop someplace else. The glow of a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with family and friend given way by the cleanup and sore muscles. All feels perfectly perfect.

M off shopping with his girlfriend after a quick performance at the parade this morning. Has all ready found the perfect Christmas present for "someone special". HE took my debit card, should I be worried? ;)

After trying to find something on my computer a couple of days ago and getting completely frustrated with how much stuff I have on my LaCie external hard drive, am attempting to do a little archiving, cleanup and deleting. Burning a CD of photos for my friend. Taking a peek into the past years free work and work I had hoped for. Mind you, I have forgotten about most of these things that I have made until I stumble upon them. Then it comes back. In excitement that sometimes I DO do something creative! And some regret as I think my proposals were good work but I just couldn't get it right for the client to buy into my idea. Then panic would set in because I would imagine that if I really did get "that big assignment" that I would not be able to follow through because of my "real" job. And not wanting to compromise either, will bow out of a big illustration possibility. I ask myself, is that me being afraid of success or just being reasonable about the amount of time I really have to offer to a client? So before I burn the cd of that work and file it away in some dark drawer, I need to blog it, share it and acknowledge that sometimes, many times, I have some really good ideas and do have fun being an artist, illustrator. And hoping that some day very soon I will have the satisfaction of seeing some of my "big ideas" come to fruition. That I will not be afraid of it or the success that it might bring, the additional effort it might take to complete it. That I will finally finish something that lays wait in my brain day in and day out.

Free banner for my neighbor. Don't think they used it.

Quick sketch of a girl for book.

Many versions trying to get the style and age right for the client. My style is very flat.

And I really liked my flower characters.

Thought plush toys of my characters would be fun, quick sketches.

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