Saturday, October 04, 2008

3-D And Beyond

I had a vision of 3-dimensional graffiti art lat year in a brainstorming with myself (in my car) of how M could do his created thing and not be arrested. and told M he should do some. Of course, he rolled his eyes at me at the time. We did find metal 3-D graffiti on the internet but nothing like I has seen in my head. Until I saw Mirko Reisser, better known as Daim did exactly what I had in my dream. He also has his wonderful work on hanging on walls, another option I was talking to M about. His work is on much more than exterior walls. Check out this piece he did using only tape! Daim gallery.

I love this!

Fascinating work of Truthtag, image seen below.

Peeta is a graffiti artist from Venice.

Culture Serve blog

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