Friday, August 22, 2008

Taking 50 To Assemblage Level

This is my first attempt at a video. Very embarrassing but this assemblage needs to heard not just seen. I took the 50th birthday present a little further. I wanted to pass on the "5" "0" vintage numbers I bought myself two years ago. Decided to make an assemblage with my favorite wind chimes I found at a garage sell so many years ago. Added 50 monopoly dollars, 50 real cents, a bottle of 50 hydrangea petals, 50 dried hyacinth blossoms, 50 shells, 5-0 in dominoes, fifty spelled out in scrabble letters, 50 "happy birthday" messages stamped on very old papers, 50 cut off a measuring tape .... and one girl diving in, because the 50-year-old-water is fine! So sorry about the weird audio ... obviously, making video is not my "thang". ;) Do you hear my "twang?" (All of this repeated in the video if you don't want to watch).

Oh, and one more thing. I only attached the 50 in the back of the piece. I decided to leave everything else free to be moved, maybe some other things to be added. We will write our message on the back and skip the card.

50th birthday assemblage


  1. This is the coolest gift ever! I am sure the lucky recipient will never forget your thoughtfulness and generosity, wow, just wow.

  2. Thank you! I really like this one, it feels fun and unique! xoxo

  3. Brilliant and beautiful! I think I should get to know you and turn 50 again.

  4. Totally over the top WONDERFUL. I'm with the other commenters.. the coolest gift ever!

  5. oh...aren't you clever!
    how fun and what a special
    gift. my my...i am noticing
    that you seem to be making time
    to create.

    rock on girlie.

  6. love your video too, I need to learn how to do that.

  7. thanks everyone! IT was a hit with my friend and I was so happy for that.

  8. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Glad to hear M has a VWGTI that he longed for rather than a red Mustang conv. His aunt meant well but in our community that is known as a "chick" car for older men. I'm sure D has told him that he didn't have a car until he could pay for it or his mother loaned out hers. Different world. I couldn't hear the video at home (my fault) so was confused on the August date & thought March got bypassed.

  9. Great piece of art Kim!


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