Thursday, August 07, 2008

Insane War

Ron Suskind Alleges War Fought On False Premises on Fresh Air tonight, very interesting. But D and I were saying most of this from the get-go of this insane war.

"In his new book, The Way of the World, Suskind writes about a secret meeting in early 2003 in which intelligence officials were told by Iraq's i chief, Tahir Jalil Habbush, that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction. According to his book, the Bush administration then buried the report."

And on the subject on "insane wars", have been watching, or trying to watch, HBO's Generation Kill. It makes me very uncomfortable to watch ... very much like when I watch The Office. It feels wrong to have a series on about a war that is still very active. But I am hoping to glean something from it.

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