Sunday, August 03, 2008

Friday FishWrap

I think I have posted this before, but just incase ... Metro Logos of the world via Friday FishWrap. Friday Fishwrap ... blogging since 1999! Whoa. Very interesting and entertaining blog. Go see.

Should I take the challenge of one hundred push ups? Via Friday FishWrap.

growabrain's gifs and pix archives ... I find this oddly intoxicating.


I started thinking about blogging things twice or thrice. Searching my archives I found the post that I had blogged about metro logos, which was still in draft mode. I have lots of drafts hidden away. I also was thinking about taking to time to reread my blog, which makes me happy and sad. Sad because it feels I was so full of creative ideas just a few years ago. Happy, because I have it logged in here for me to remember! ;)

Here was that post I found from September 2006:

Fun stuff found here and there, sorry, I forget where ;)

My paperdolls Created by wool and water.


Irina Troitskaya's blog, Metro Logos of the World, both via Mecozy.

coe & waito

Two Trees with Roots Like This, looks like she moved.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you still have your creativity, I see it in every thing you do and post. I do love those incredible PS designs though, they are my favorite, like you stuck inside a bottle or the antlers on the little figure of the women. Such a hoot and I am always tickled. So much so that I have sent you an award, as you are so deserving of it.

    Let's make this a fun Monday shall we? Let's leave a post it note on someone's desk to meet us outside in 10 minutes...just don't sign it. :) Meet back here tomorrow night with the results...he he


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