Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Eye Of Beauty

Paul Lowe's - Crafts Portfolio on Vivian Artists makes me feel like I just stepped into a bright light and makes me want to cry with happiness. His prop sets are breathtaking! Look at his sexy pears on his blog. I guess because it is all beautiful. And in my line of work now I am recently being told that I am not there to make things "pretty" but functional. I hear that statement a lot and it always makes me want to run outside and have a good cry.

Cool vintage things from Time Passages and these great letters from Wishonbish Supplies.

I love Ellen Silverman photographs, especially these two.

Love this from Life Modern. David met Nicole both via Studio Home Creative.


Vintage ceramic plates and wood stick at ArABeScHI dI LaTTe, seen below.

Most or all of these delicious links via the wonderful emmas designblogg.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you don't mind me saying this, but your talents are wasted there. You do beautiful so well...


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