Saturday, July 26, 2008

Bellevue Art Fair

Mom and I ran over to teh Bellevue Art Festival and what a treat it was this year. My head was spinning with "I wants" when we left. Here are a few of my favorites. There were so many more booths to visit but I had to give it up. Maybe more tomorrow.

Giving my love for chairs, Rone Prinz work gives me the grins.

Completely in love with Laurette's jewelry, images seen below (Silver Jewelry Design)

Metal quilts by Arunas Oslapas' recycle! Images below.

Elizabeth Frank sculptures, fun and wonderful, seen below.

The Silk Project is a small boutique featuring clothing and jewelry designed by well known artist Joanna Staniszkis. Rich textures and glorious colors are the trademark of her work.

Stunning paintings Chunhong Chang, seen below.

The best -- Jeffrey Zachmann's Kinetic Sculptures, watch the fun happen!

Fred & Janis Tate designs

Wonderful colors and art of Mark Anderson's (seen below) Palette 2 ... site seems to take a long time to load.

Thomas Mann jewelry.

The unusual and wonderful art in a combination of handthrown stoneware, handfelted wool and nails by Geoff Buddie, seen below, but do yourself a favor and go see all of their work!

All the way from New York, Sarris Quilts.

The most wonderful watercolors by artist Larry Stephenson, when framed they come with a tin toy included ;) I wanted so much to buy a piece of his work.

San Francisco encaustic artist, Eileen P. Goldenberg, has the most fantastic technique where her art feels like it glows from inside out. The Teahouse Series, my favorite.The colors -- breathtaking. She also gives classes and I was begging her to teach in Seattle.

Nature elegantly framed by Leif Holland.

I will add more tomorrow. See ya!


  1. hi kim
    wow! what great art! Very fun and inspiring! thank ou for sharing it!
    i really enjoyed your post.

  2. Wow... There is some real talent that showed up in Bellevue. I am loving the Metal Quilts, if I hadn't seen them HERE, I would have seen them and thought of YOU.

    So cool.


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