Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Talking Politics

Never talk about politics or religion ... oh hell, this is my blog, so I can talk about whatever I want, right? I hope you heard Obama's speech (slow download) tonight in MN because it was a kick-ass, inspirational, "we want change" speech. One of hope and new direction. Although, I like Hilary, she does not inspire me like Obama does. My only concern is that if he is elected, he will be stuck with all of this Republican mess we find ourselves in now. I say, let's all vote for John McCann and make the Republicans burn for the unholy mess we are in and move on to the Democrats in 4 years.


  1. i missed it. i love him. and i can see the point about the mess.
    it is a exciting but scary time.

  2. I love Obama, but my power went out last night during a storm. We can't afford another 4 years of the Republican approach, in my opinion. My biggest concern is that no matter who gets into office it will be too late to fix to many things. But... and this is a big BUT, I think it will take a huge amount of inspiration and good intention to pull it off, and Obama is the only candidate with the goods to do it. It's not just the Republicans who got us into this mess... collectively, we have consumed too much, racked up too much debt, and cared too little.

  3. Hillary gave a great speech too. It's been a long time since the Dems had two really great candidates. I hope Hillary stays in the Senate because she will be more effective there than as V.P.
    Vote Republican? Oooff, it goes against my grain.
    Obama thinks he can pull it off so I'll vote and let him take his best shot and do my best to see that he has a Dem. Congress to back him.

  4. I hate to see Obama enter into a presidency with this country in a war that we can not win and will only keep sinking money into a corrupt and divided country. I agree, as a nation we are responsible for our dilemma right now but I specifically considering the Iraq war as the R unholy mess ;)

    Yes, I agree with Susan, it does that have that 11th hour feel to it all ... but Obama does have that ability to charm, inspire us into the light ... we can only hope and vote.

  5. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Yes, but then we would have 12 years of mess to clean up and it would be a lot worse. This is going to be the most exciting election ever. I just hope it doesn't become the dirtiest. Knowing the Republicans, it probably will be.


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