Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Lost Day

I admit it, I sat at this computer from 7am until around 3pm ... when I moved 5ft to the TV to watch an HBO documentary -- Hard Times At Douglass High ... 30 minute later was taking a little nap. Then eating some dinner was in order and back on the computer. Mostly reading and cleaning out my many email accts. I am starting not to like my mac acct so much. It is too difficult to find and save addresses. Trying to clean up my hotmail addresses. This started when I need to make a *group* email for a Round Robin I am helping to organize. And mac mail had not opportunity for *group* mail. And I pay good money for that account. I don't use it as I should. So back to organizing addresses, which are spread all over the place. If I need an address and can't find it, I go to my other email accounts. Sound confusing and ridiculous, well, I agree. I just use my yahoo account for newsletters I want to receive. My gmail seems easier to use now because I have a little quick link on my customized toolbar ... and I have my reader, calendar and all sorts of cool things on google pages. I need about a month just to clean up this mess I have created for myself.

My lost day. Saturdays are really becoming a total do-nothing day for me the last month. I need to make a plan and stick with it.

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