Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Busy Day

The house is 80 degrees! Yikes. Lots of fans going. If yesterday was a do-nothing-day ... today was do everthing-day. I got floors vacuumed and washed, windows cleaned, bathrooms cleaned, bedrooms cleaned! My brother comes for a visit tomorrow ... mom is very excited, they have not seen each other in over 5 years. I missed Clarrisa's street market! I didn't make it to the Mushroom Society meeting over at Lacey. ;( Gotta go to bed by 8pm ... boy this new schedule puts a kink in my life. Headed over to Rick's for dinner finger food and wine ... in the heat. (Pica to follow ... he loves Rick). D at the All Stars, coaching. M at Lake Chelan whooping it up on the water.

pink rose

1 comment:

  1. i love this image and i can just see you moving swiftly through your rooms trying to get it all ready for the visit.

    happy brother day!



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